Recent content by JEsToRr

  1. J

    Trios insided / betrayed + Proof

    Your in-game name: JestorIsBacKI Offender: iMrAhmed + VancoveRr are the suspects What happened?: basicly we got insided 1 time and we lost 200x hemp plant + many op parts 2 days ago, and yesterday the guy who insided us put a alt account with naked inventory and took all our stuff again but...
  2. J


    Ingame-name: JestorIsBacKI Banned by: Doornob123 Agree with ban (Yes/No): yes Unban reason: wasnt at my home, i were out of my town and my teamette exotico and kejvy thought i were betraying them even i was going to my house they called doornoob123 and Said im betraying but how can i connect...
  3. J

    Unban (trios)

    i wasnt at my home, i were out of my town and my teamette exotico and kejvy thought i were betraying them even i was going to my house they called doornoob123 and Said im betraying but how can i connect without my PC, and that reason i wasnt able to play, doornoob trash talked me in discord and...
  4. J


    Ingame-name: JEsToRr Banned by: YoussofHD Agree with ban (Yes/No):Yes Unban reason: i was deeping a kid in trios and then i got banned cuz some players outside they record me that "im teaming with him" but it wasnt teaming but also its very very old clip so can i get a unban from trios i will...
  5. J

    unban pls ty

    i got banned long time ago from trios its probably been more then 15 months idk, here is why i got banned ; there was a kid i deep on his base and i killed him he spawn on bed and some1 take screenshot and reported me thats how i got banned for no reason pls unban ty <3