__Twitter__ Appeal

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New member
Ingame-name: __Twitter__
Banned by: Scamming in-game items for donations
Agree with ban (Yes / No): Yes
Unban reason: First of all I want to return to apologize for everything that happened and for the person who took the items with my account
It was a serious mistake of mine to give the password of my account to another person which was not completely trustworthy
I'm very sorry about it
I tried to ask the staff to change the password before everything happened but it was not possible since the format was not read in time
I just want to ask for an opportunity to get my account back, I will not make the same mistake if they give it to me, I will not infringe the server rules either
I really want to have my account again to play with it to the server
I have sent the format to change the account password as YoussofHD asked me
Just an opportunity please
Thank you for Reading.


Staff member
There is no way you wrote this. From my interactions with you on the Discord and even in-game (before you were banned), I can tell that this is nowhere close to your level of English.

Please take the time to write your own appeal.
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