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New member
Ingame-name: JestorIsBacKI
Banned by: Doornob123
Agree with ban (Yes/No): yes
Unban reason: wasnt at my home, i were out of my town and my teamette exotico and kejvy thought i were betraying them even i was going to my house they called doornoob123 and Said im betraying but how can i connect without my PC, and that reason i wasnt able to play, doornoob trash talked me in discord and Said im a betrayer, and i got mad every1 was messaging me and i have proof that i were out of my town in that time in that month..
So when doornob trash talked me in discord i Said some bad words too as he did, so i called him that i will ddos the Server but i didnt do that, and he got perma banned me from trios cuz of i
İ said that but idc it happend last wipe im sorry for the things i Said, not gonna happen anymore.


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