Losts accounts


'Bob7l ,we know that your soo busy doing things to improve your server and more, doing a lot of things in the same time is hard, but. talking about people well lets just say players of the server there are a lot of players who stopped playing the game because of their studies etc and i am one of them and there is more player as well as the same as my reason why we stopped. Then Talking about the game we all know that its working good and its still improving, back then some of those player who stopped playing got shocked by the improvements and a lot of changes in the game. then some of them who decided to play with the game again as they finished all their studies or etc the same as me but back then some of them forgot their password nor got hacked the same as mine im just concerned with those people who fogot their password or their account got hacked and they want to recover it nor they want to have it back then they want to play the game with the new then how can we play it when they didnt have the account they want to play with? and all can say that theres an option which is create a new account? but then they spend money in the account which is premium or platinum? and it takes too long to recover it by bob?